Business Etiquette for Professionals

The diversity of a workplace means that individual contact and interaction with a variety of other individuals with differing personalities is inevitable. The secret to a pleasant and harmonious time at the workplace is to react to the situation appropriately. Knowledge of proper business etiquette will go a long way in helping you to achieve this.

Learn the need for and importance of respect, how the way you look contributes to your professionalism and how communication can improve interpersonal relationships and your career.

Course highlights:

  • Develop respect for everyone in spite of physical differences, ethnicity, gender or sexuality
  • To uphold themselves professionally by arming themselves with the knowledge of work-appropriate attire, the importance of first impressions and both verbal and non-verbal communication
  • To conduct themselves appropriately during meetings and, even during meals
  • To identify the various difficult personalities, learn to deal with them and resolve rivalries

This course will benefit:

All professionals will benefit from this course, which enables them to project a more professional image at the workplace. They will be able to deal with different situations with confidence and acquire valuable knowledge on both verbal and non-verbal communication.

Features and benefits:

  • Clean-looking and user-friendly interface optimizes navigability, allowing users to learn independently
  • Rich content with downloadable reference documents enable users to gain an holistic understanding of the topics covered
  • Interactive elements found throughout the program engage users’ attention, stimulate interest and increase absorption of knowledge
  • Summaries, quizzes and hypothetical scenarios further reinforce understanding and facilitate learning
  • Full-fledged customer support team renders timely technical assistance, ensuring that courses can be completed with minimal disruptions
  • Professional-looking certificates can be printed as proof of completion
Course Duration: 1 hour (60 minutes)
Course Fee: $40.00 Per User / Year

For volume license purchase, please reach us at for a proposal.

* Course User Licenses are issued for a one year period and are to be renewed annually

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